Bio-bibliographie (englisch)


Shmuel Noah Eisenstadt

Balzan Preis 1988 für Soziologie

Shmuel Eisenstadt hat mehr als jeder andere Soziologe unserer Zeit soziologische Theorie mit historischer und empirischer Forschung verknüpft und so unsere Kenntnis der Einzigartigkeit wie der Gemeinsamkeiten und Wechselbeziehungen alter und neuer Gesellschaften in Afrika, Asien, Europa, Nord- und Lateinamerika gefördert.

Shmuel Noah Eisenstadt was born in Warsaw (Poland) on September 10, 1923 (2010);

he has been teaching at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (1946-1990), from 1959 to 1990 as Rose Issacs Professor of Sociology; Professor Emeritus since 1990.

Visiting Professor and Fellow of Universities and Centers for Advanced Studies in England, the United States, Norway, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Australia, Austria;

member of the Israel Academy of Science and Humanities, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the American Philosophical Society, the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, the Institute of Comparative Civilizations in Brussels; Doctor Pol. sc. honoris causa from the University of Helsinki, Doctor of Laws honoris causa from Harvard University, Doctor of Philosophy from Tel Aviv University, Doctor of Letters honoris causa from The Hebrew Union College, Jewish Institute of Religion; Honorary Fellow of Open University, Tel Aviv. Recipient of Amalfi Prize for Sociology and Social Sciences and Max-Planck-Forschungspreis.

Amongst his main publications are:- The Absorption of Immigrants, 1955, 1970 (also in German, Italian and Portuguese);- The Political Systems of Empires, 1963, 1969 (also in Spanish);- Modernization, Protest and Change, 1966 (also in Spanish, Portuguese, Japanese and Korean);- Max Weber on Charisma and Institution Building (ed.), 1968 (introduction also in Hebrew, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese);- Israeli Society, 1968 (also in Hebrew, German and Portuguese);- Social Differentiation and Stratification, 1973 (also in Hebrew and Japanese);- Tradition, Change and Modernity, 1973 (also in German and Italian);- The Forms of Sociology (with M. Curelaru), 1973;-  Patrons, Clients and Friends (with L. Roniger), 1984;-  Transformation of Israeli Society, 1985 (also in German);-  Origins and Diversity of Axial Age Civilizations (ed.), 1986 (also in German);-  Patterns of Modernity (ed.), 2 vols., 1987;-  European Civilization in a Comparative Perspective, 1987;-  Jewish Civilization. The Jewish Historical Experience in a Comparative Perspective, 1992;-  Japanese Civilization – A Comparative View, 1996;-  Paradoxes of Democracy. Fragility, continuity and change, 1999;-  Fundamentalism, Sectarianism and Revolutions, 2000;-  Die Vielfalt der Moderne, 2000.

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