Bio-bibliographie (Englisch) + Videoclip (Italienisch)
John Braithwaite
Balzan Preis 2024 für Restaurative Justiz
Für seinen Beitrag zur theoretischen Entwicklung und praktischen Umsetzung der zeitgenössischen restaurativen Justiz, für seinen Einsatz im Dienste der Institutionen und des sozialen Gefüges, für sein Bemühen um die wissenschaftliche und verlegerische Dissemination auf höchstem Niveau, für sein Engagement für die kulturelle Erziehung von Jugendlichen im Einklang mit den Werten der restaurativen Justiz.
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John Braithwaite, born on 30 July 1951, is an Australian citizen. From 2002 to 2020 he was a Distinguished Professor at the Australian National University and is currently Emeritus at the same institution. With Valerie Braithwaite, he founded the School of Regulation and Global Goverance (RegNet) at ANU. They were both early School Directors.
After graduating with majors in Psychology, Anthropology and Sociology at the University of Queensland, in 1977 he completed his PhD in Sociology there. He worked as a criminologist at the Australian Institute of Criminology, was CEO and Chair of the Australian Federation of Consumer Organizations, and was active in other social movements, including the labour movement, the environmental movement, and the peace movement. These were all connected in Braithwaite’s thought to a social movement for restorative justice in which he was also a hands-on organizer. He represented community groups during the 1980s on the Economic Planning Advisory Council that was chaired by the Prime Minister. He served between 1985 and 1995 as a part-time Commissioner on Australia’s national competition, consumer protection and product safety regulator, the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission. As well as serving the Australian government in many roles, he has also served the United Nations in various capacities.
His most important publications include:
Simple Solutions to Complex Catastrophes: Dialectics of Peace, Climate, Finance, and Health. (2024) London, Palgrave Macmillan.
Macrocriminology and Freedom. (2022) Canberra, ANU Press.
Regulating Aged Care. (2007) Cheltenham, Edward Elgar (with Toni Makkai and Valerie Braithwaite).
Restorative Justice and Responsive Regulation. (2002) New York, Oxford University Press.
Global Business Regulation. (2000) Cambridge, Cambridge University Press (with Peter Drahos).
Regulation, Crime, Freedom. (2000) Aldershot, Dartmouth. Reissued 2018 by Routledge.
Corporations, Crime and Accountability. (1993) Cambridge, Cambridge University Press (with Brent Fisse).
Responsive Regulation: Transcending the Deregulation Debate. (1992) New York, Oxford University Press (with Ian Ayres).
Not Just Deserts: A Republican Theory of Criminal Justice. (1990) Oxford, Oxford University Press (with Philip Pettit).
Crime, Shame and Reintegration. (1989) Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
Of Manners Gentle: Enforcement Strategies of Australian Business Regulatory Agencies. (1986) Oxford, Oxford University Press (with Peter Grabosky).