Board of the Foundation “Prize” Milan


Maria Cristina Messa


Full Professor of Diagnostic Imaging and Radiotherapy, University of Milano-Bicocca, of which she served as Rector; former Minister of University and Research of the Italian Republic


Laura Laera

Vice President

Retired judge; former Vice President of the Italian Commission for Intercountry Adoption, of which she is currently an expert member


Marco Cameroni


Former Head of the Swiss Cultural Foreign Policy Centre, Federal Department (Ministry) of Foreign Affairs; former General Consul of Switzerland in Milan; former Member of the Board of Governors and of the Executive Board of the Locarno Film Festival, of which he is Honorary Member


Paolo de Bernardis


Full Professor at the Department of Physics, University of Rome “La Sapienza”; Italian Principal Investigator of the international stratospheric balloon experiment BOOMERanG; Fellow of the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei and of the Accademia Nazionale delle Scienze detta dei XL, Rome


Carlo Fontana


Member of the Executive Council of Confcommercio, President of Impresa Cultura Italia Confcommercio Association; President Emeritus of Agis (Associazione Generale Italiana dello Spettacolo); former Senator of the Italian Republic; former General Manager of Teatro alla Scala of Milan; Grand Officer of the Italian Republic and Commander of the British Empire


Paola Germano


Executive Director of the DREAM programme, Community of Sant’Egidio; PhD in Infectious diseases at the University La Sapienza, Rome


Alberto Quadrio Curzio


Professor Emeritus of Political Economy as well as Founder and President of the scientific Council of the Research Centre on Economic Analysis (Cranec) at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan; President Emeritus of the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Rome


Laura Sadis


MA (Economics); Swiss Taxation Expert; member of the Assembly of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC); former member of the Swiss National Council; former State Councillor of the Canton Ticino, head of the Department of Financial and Economic Affairs

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