
News, facts, appointments, events, and articles about the Prize, the Prizewinners, and the Foundation.


9 September 2024


+ Press Release

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31 July 2024

2024 Balzan Prizewinners Announcement

In Milan on 9 September 2024, at 6 pm (CEST/UTC +2): the event will be live-streamed on www.balzan.org

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19 July 2024

The 2024 Balzan Prize Subjects Areas

Download descriptions (pdf)

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19 July 2024

2024 Balzan Prizes: the Subject Descriptions

Restorative Justice; History of Modern and Contemporary Science; Biological Mechanisms of Ageing; Nanoporous Materials for Environmental Applications (Download Pdf)

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29 January 2024

Appointments in the International Balzan Foundation

New Chairman and Members in the General Prize Committee

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4 December 2023

Annual Balzan Lecture 2023 : Alessandra Buonanno in Milan

“Gravitational-Wave Astronomy: exploring the Dark Universe” – Monday 18 December at the Milan Planetarium

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11 September 2023

The 2023 Balzan Prizewinners

David Damrosch, Jean-Jacques Hublin, Eske Willerslev, Heino Falcke, Fondazione Francesca Rava [+ Press Release with Motivations – pdf]

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20 March 2023

2023 Balzan Prize: Nominations and Subjects

2023 SUBJECT DESCRIPTIONS (Download pdf)

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25 November 2022

2022 Balzan Prizes presented in Rome

750,000 Swiss Francs (765,000 EUR, 810,000 USD, 666,000 GBP) for each of the four awards.The winners must allocate half of the amount to research projects.

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13 September 2022

IinteR-La+B Seminar 2022: Summary

The 11th International Interdisciplinary Research Laboratory (InteR-La+B) on ENVIRONMENT was held in Università Cattolica on 13 September 2022.

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12 September 2022

The 2022 Balzan Prizewinners

Martha C. Nussbaum, Philip Bohlman, Robert Langer, Dorthe Dahl-Jensen and Johannes Oerlemans

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1 July 2022

The 2021 Balzan Prizes Awarded in Bern

750,000 Swiss Francs for each of the four subjects. The Prizewinners must allocate half of the amount to research projects. [+ Booklet]

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Press releases

2 February 2022

The 2021 Balzan Prize for Art and Archaeology of the Ancient Near East

Giorgio and Marilyn Buccellati join Saul Friedlander, Jeffrey Gordon and Alessandra Buonanno/Thibault Damour

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18 November 2021

2020 Balzan Prizes presented in Rome

The Balzan Prizes 2020 were presented today in Rome by the President of the Italian Republic. During the ceremony, which took place at the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, the prizes were presented to

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Press releases

18 November 2021

The 2020 Balzan Prizes Presented in Rome

Press release 18/11/2021

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7 October 2021

Balzan mourns the passing of Salvatore Veca

It is with great sorrow that the International Balzan Foundation announces the death of Salvatore Veca, Member of the Board of the “Prize” Foundation and editor of the series Balzan Papers.

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22 September 2021

Annual Balzan Lecture: Jacques Aumont in Locarno

Jacques Aumont, 2019 Balzan Prize for Film Studies, gave the Annual Balzan Lecture 2021 entitled Le détail révélateur at the PalaCinema in Locarno on 29 September 2021.

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13 September 2021

The 2021 Balzan Prizewinners

News + press release

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6 October 2020

Balzan Prizewinner Reinhard Genzel wins the Nobel Prize

Reinhard Genzel,2003 Balzan Prizewinner for Infrared Astronomy, is one of the winners of the 2020 Nobel Prize for Physics (with Roger Penrose and Andrea Ghez).

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12 September 2020

Balzan Prizes 2021: the President’s speech

Opening Speech of the President of the International Balzan Foundation “Prize” Alberto Quadrio Curzio

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5 May 2020

Alberto Quadrio Curzio President of the Balzan Foundation “Prize”

On May 4, 2020, Alberto Quadrio-Curzio was elected President of the International Balzan Foundation “Prize” in Milan.

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20 March 2020

The Balzan Foundation mourns the passing of Enrico Decleva

On behalf of the Boards of the International Balzan Foundation “Prize” in Milan and “Fund” in Zurich, the Vice President of the “Prize” Foundation Professor Alberto Quadrio Curzio expressed his great regret in announcing the passing of President Professor Enrico Decleva, in office since 2013.

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Press Review

27 February 2020

Interviews with 2017 Prizewinners from the German Press

La Stampa – TuttoscienzeIl Sole 24 Ore – DomenicaCorriere del TicinoSwissinfo

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1 February 2020

Manuel Castells Minister of Universities of the Spanish Government

Manuel Castells, 2013 Balzan Prize for Sociology, has been appointed Minister of Universities by the Spanish government, and was sworn in by the King of Spain on 13 January 2020.

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15 November 2019

Balzan Prizes 2019 awarded in Bern

750,000 Swiss Francs (approx. €680 000, $760 000, GBP 620 000) for each of the four subjects.Prizewinners must allocate half of the amount to research projects

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8 October 2019

Balzan Prizewinner Michel Mayor wins the Nobel Prize

Michel Mayor, 2000 Balzan Prizewinner for Instrumentation and Techniques in Astronomy and Astrophysics, is one of the winners of the 2019 Nobel Prize for Physics (with Didier Queloz and James Peebles).

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2 September 2019

Balzan goes social

The Balzan Prize and the Foundation are now on Twitter (@BalzanPrize) and on LinkedIn (Balzan Foundation).

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23 November 2018

Balzan Prizes 2018 presented in Rome

The Balzan Prizes 2018 were presented today by the President of the Italian Republic, during the ceremony, which took place at the Auditorium of the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei

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14 November 2018

The Balzan Papers presented in Rome

On 22 November in Rome the first issue of the Balzan Papers, edited by Salvatore Veca, was presented.

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Press Review

27 February 2018

Interviews with 2019 Balzan Prizewinners from the European Press

Il Messaggero, La Stampa, Corriere del Ticino, StGaller Tagblatt, Hannoversche Allgemeine, Der Standard, Siences et Avenir, El Mundo

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18 January 2018

Luciano Maiani Chairman of the General Prize Committee

LUCIANO MAIANI is the new Chairman of the Balzan General Prize CommitteeDONATELLA DELLA PORTA and SALWA EL-SHAWAN CASTELO-BRANCO have been nominated as Members

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19 November 2017

The “New Oppenheim” by R. Higgins: launch in New York

Tuesday, 24 October 2017 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM“Oppenheim’s International Law: United Nations” with author Rosalyn HigginsUNITED NATIONS BOOKSHOP New York – USA

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17 November 2017

The 2017 Balzan Prizes presented in Berne

During the Awards Ceremony at the Federal Palace in Berne, this year’s Balzan Prizes were presented

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12 September 2017

The 2017 Balzan Prizewinners

The names of the 2017 Balzan Prizewinners were disclosed today in a public announcement

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3 July 2017

New Members on the Balzan General Prize Committee

Børge Diderichsen and Nathalie Heinich have been appointed to the General Prize Committee of the International Balzan Foundation “Prize”. They replace Marc Van Montagu and Dominique Schnapper.

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26 May 2017

A global Project for the Music: Interview with Reinhard Strohm

Walter Rauhe met with Reinhard Strohm for a dialogue on some of the many subjects that emerged from his important and complex Research Project..

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17 May 2017

Appointments to the Balzan Foundation “Fund” Board

Gisèle Girgis-Musy named as Chairman of the Balzan “Fund” Board. André Bandi appointed as a new member of the Board.

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20 March 2017

The Syriac World Rediscovered: an Interview

Fruit of meticulous interdisciplinary work, Syriaca.org is the cornerstone upon which Peter Brown’s Balzan research project entitled Figures in Landscape has been built. Peter Brown, Balzan Prize for Ancient History, and David Michelson, project leader, illustrate this innovative form of historical-cultural corpus in an interview by Susannah Gold.

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10 January 2017

Incontro sull’Utopia all’Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, Parigi

The event followed up on the recent publication of the “Dictionnaire critique de l’utopie au temps des Lumières”, in the frame of Bronislaw Baczko’s Balzan Research Project.

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8 July 2016

Interview: a “new Oppenheim” for Rosalyn Higgins

Rosalyn Higgins and the young collaborators working under her Balzan research project are on the final stretch of the enormous work of editing a “new Oppenheim”. In an interview by Susannah Gold, Dame Rosalyn explained the phases of conceiving and implementing work on the new volume of one of the most fundamental treatises on law of […]

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Press Review

19 May 2016

Selection of articles Balzan Prizes 2015

Interviews with the four 2015 Balzan Prizewinners in European newspapers: Badische Zeitung (Germany), Corriere del Ticino (Switzerland), Delo (Slovenia), Der Standard (Austria,) De Standaard (Belgium), El Mundo (Spain)

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Press Review

30 October 2013

The New York Review of Books publishes Ronald Dworkin

The New York Review of Books (50th Anniversary special issue) has published Ronald Dworkin’s Balzan discourse 

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Press Review

2 December 2012

RAI TG Leonardo, 20 novembre 2012

Intervista di Girolamo Mangano, in occasione del Forum Interdisciplinare dei Premiati Balzan 2012 all’Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei (Roma, 15 novembre 2012)

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Press Review

6 September 2011

RAI TG Leonardo, 16 November 2012: Interview with Kurt LAMBECK (Ita)

Interview by Girolamo Mangano at the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Rome, on the occasion of the Balzan Prizewinners Interdisciplinary Forum 2012 (15 November 2012)

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Fondazione Internazionale Premio Balzan