

Lothar Gall

1993 Balzan Prize for History: Societies of the 19th and 20th Centuries

Through the meticulous research of various sources, a masterly analysis of social history, and a fascinating narrative style, he has succeeded in bringing to life the rise and fall of the German bourgeoisie in the context of 19th and 20th century Europe, thus paving the way for a new and promising means of studying the history of modern-day society.

Lothar Gall, Ph.D. full Professor of Modern and Medieval History at Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt on the Main; born in Lötzen/Eastern Prussia on December 3, 1936 (*1936 – †2024); a German citizen;

1968 Professor at Giessen University, 1972 Free University in Berlin, since 1975 in Frankfurt on the Main: 1972/73 Visiting Professor in Oxford:

Editor of “Historische Zeitschrift” (since 1975);

President of the Union of German Historians (since 1992); Vicepresident of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (since 1992); member of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences (since 1989) as well as of numerous Historical Commissions and of Scientific Councils;

Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz-Prize of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (1987), HerbertQuandt-Medien-Preis (1990), Grosses Bundesverdienstkreuz (1987).

A selection of his works:

– Benjamin Constant. Seine politische Ideenwelt und der deutsche Vormärz, Wiesbaden 1963;

– Der Liberalismus als regierende Partei. Das Grossherzogtum Baden zwischen Restauration und Reichsgründung, Wiesbaden 1968;

– Benjamin Constant, Schriften in vier Bänden, Berlino 1970/71;

– Liberalismus, Colonia 1976, Königstein 1984;

– Bismarck. Der weisse Revolutionär, Berlino 1980;

– Der europäische Liberalismus im 19. Jahrhundert. Texte zu seiner Entwicklung, 4 (Rainer Koch), Francoforte/Berlino/Vienna 1981;

– Europa auf dem Weg in die Moderne 1850-1890, Monaco 1989;

– Bürgertum in Deutschland, Berlino 1989;

– Vom alten zum neuen Bürgertum. Die mitteleuropäische Stadt im Umbruch 1780-1 820 (pubblicato e introdotto), Monaco 1991;

– ‘Der hiesigen Stadt’ zu einer wahren Zierde und deren Bürgerschaft nützlich” . Städel und sein “Kunst-Institut”, Francoforte s/Meno 1992;

– Confronting Clio. Myth Makers and Other Historians, Londra 1992 (German Historical Institute London. The 1991 Annual Lecture):

– Von der ständischen zur bürgerlichen Gesellschaft, Monaco 1993;

– Stadt und Bürgertum im Übergang von der traditionalen zur modernen Gesellschaft, Monaco 1993;

– around 60 articles in scientific magazines and collections of works.

(October 1993)

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