1990 Balzan Prize for Private International Law
PIERRE LALIVE D’EPINAY was born in La Chaux-de-Fonds on October 8, 1923 (†2014); he is a Swiss citizen;
licencié-ès-lettres, licencié in Law (Geneva), Doctor of Philosophy in Law at Cambridge University, Geneva bar;
Professor, Faculty of Law, Geneva University, since 1955;
Professor, Graduate Institute of international Studies, Geneva (1961-1986);
Visiting Professor, Parker School of Foreign and Comparative Law, Columbia University; foreign “Chaire Francqui de droit internationai” at the Free University, Brussels; “Arthur Goodhart Professor of Legal Science” Cambridge University; Fellow of King’s College, Cambridge;
taught at the Hague Academy of International Law, al the Institut des Hautes Etudes internationales in Paris and held lectures and conferences in numerous foreign universities;
Doctor in law, honoris causa, of the Lyons Jean Moulin University, of the Université de Droit, d’Economie et des Sciences Sociales in Paris and of the Free University of Brussels;
Associate (since 1965), then Member (since 1975) of the Institute of International Law where he was elected President in 1989;
since 1978 President of the Institut de Droit et des Pratiques des Affaires lnternationales of the International Chamber of Commerce, Paris, President of the Swiss Arbitration Association, member of numerous scientific associations and of editing committees of specialized magazines in the law of international affairs and in matters of arbitration; Swiss Federal delegate al different international conferences.
Professor Lalive’s list of publications includes more than 125 titles, many of which are important contributions to magazines or to collective volumes. Some of his most important contributions are:
— The Transfer of Chartels in the Conflict of Lan’s. A comparatice Study. Oxford 1955 (dissertation):
— La révision du droit de la filiation illégitime, rapport pour la Société suisse des juristes. Revue de droit suisse 84. 1965, 11, pp.543-8i2:
— Problèmes relatifs à l’arbitrage international commercial. Académic de droit international, Recueil des cours 1967 1(120) pp.568-714;
— L’application du droit public étranger, Rapport préliminaire et rapport définitif avec projets de résolutions. Annuaire de l’lnstitut de Droit Internationai, session de Wiesbaden, voi. 56, 1975. pp. 157-278:
— Jurisprudence suisse – Droit international privé. Annuaire suisse de droit International XXXII, 1976, pp. 167-322;
— Tendances et Méthodes en droit international privé (cours générai), Recueil des Cours de l’Académie de droit international de La Haye. 1977 (pp. 424), published in 1979;
— Répertoire de droit international privé suisse, vol, I, Le contrat International. L’arbitrage international, Bernard Dutoit, Franois Knoepfler. Pierre Lalive e Pierre Mercier, Edizioni Staempfli & Cie S.A., Berna 1982, pp. 407;
— Répertoire de droit international privé suisse, vol. 2, Les conventions bilatérales sur les conflits de juridictions, la reconnaissance et l’exécution des jugements étrangers,in collaboration with Bernard Dutoit, François Knoepfler e Pierre Mercier, Edizioni Staempfli & Cie SA., Berna 1983, pp. 326;
— Répertoire de droit international privé suisse, vol .3, Les principales conventions d’établissement touchant le droit international privé, in collaboration with Bernard Dutoit, François Knoepfler e Pierre Mercier, Edizioni Staempfli & Cie S.A., Berna 1986, pp. 176.
— La vente internationale d’œuvres d’art, Directeur scientifique: Pierre Lalive, Colloque de Genève 11-13 April 1985, published in 1988, Parigi, ICC Publishing, publication no. 436, pp. 703;
— Le Droit de l’arbitrage interne et international en Suisse, in collaboration with J.-F. Poudret e Cl. Reymond. Edizioni Payot, Losanna 1989, pp. 508.