

Robert O. Keohane

2016 Balzan Prize for International Relations: History and Theory

For his fundamental contributions to the institutional approach in the field of international relations; for his untiring commitment to research and for the decisive, persistent influence of his teachings.

Biographical and Bibliographical Data

Robert O. Keohane, born on 3 October 1941 in Chicago, is a US citizen. Professor Emeritus of International Affairs at the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs at Princeton University, Keohane is a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Corresponding Fellow of the British Academy and Member of the National US Academy of Sciences, the American Academy of Political and Social Science and the American Philosophical Society. After graduating from Shimer College, Mount Carroll, Illinois, in 1961, he studied government at Harvard University, earning his MA and PhD in 1964 and 1966, respectively. He received the Centennial Medal from the Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences in 2012.
He taught at Swarthmore College (1965-73), Stanford University (1973-81), Brandeis University (1981-85), Harvard University (1985-96) and Duke University (1996-2005). He then joined the faculty of Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs at Princeton University, where he is now Professor Emeritus of International Affairs.
Keohane has received honorary degrees from Sciences Po, Paris, and from the University of Arhus, Denmark. He received the Johan Skytte Prize from the Johan Skytte Foundation, Uppsala Sweden, 2005.
He has served as the Editor of the journal International Organization and as President of the International Studies Association and the American Political Science Association, from which he received the James Madison Award for lifetime achievement in 2014.

Among his authored or co-authored books we would mention:

Anti-Americanisms in World Politics, edited and partially co-authored, with Peter J. Katzenstein. Cornell University Press 2007. Translation into Chinese, 2012.
Interdependencia, Cooperación, y Globalismo: Ensayos escogidos de Robert O. Keohane. Arturo Borja Tamayo, compiler. Centro de Investigación y Docen- cia Económicas A.C., Mexico. 2006. (A collection of essays previously publi- shed in various journals in English).
Liberalism, Power and Governance in a Partially Globalized World (Chinese translation only). Peking University Press 2006. (A collection of essays previously published in various journals in English).
Power and Governance in a Partially Globalized World. Routledge 2002.
Designing Social Inquiry: Scientific Inference in Qualitative Research, with Gary King and Sydney Verba, Princeton University Press 1994. Translations into Chinese Simplified and Complex, Japanese, Portuguese Brazil, Spanish, Ro- manian, Korean, and Georgian.
International Institutions and State Power: Essays in International Relations Theory. Westview 1989.
After Hegemony: Cooperation and Discord in the World Political Economy. Princeton University Press 1984, 2005 with new preface. Translations into Japanese, through the English Agency; Chinese, Shanghai People’s Publishing House; French, Editions de l’Université de Bruxelles. After Hegemony was awarded the Grawemeyer Award for Ideas Improving World Order in 1989.
Power and Interdependence: World Politics in Transition, with Joseph S. Nye, Jr., Little, Brown, Boston, 1977. Second edition, 1989, third edition with two new chapters, 2001. Translations into Chinese and Japanese.

His recent articles include:

Anti-Americanism or Anti-Interventionism? Evidence from the Arabic Twitter Universe, with Amaney Jamal, David Romney, Dustin Tingley. Published online 2015. DOI:
Organizational Ecology and Organizational Diversity in Global Governance, with Kenneth Abbot and Jessica Green. Published online 2014. DOI: https://
Contested Multilateralism, with Julia C. Morse, The Review of International Or- ganizations. Published online 2014. DOI: 10.1007/s11558-014-9188-2.

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Fondazione Internazionale Premio Balzan