Presentation – Rome, 22.11.2018 (video – French, Italian)

Headquarters: Switzerland

Terre des hommes Foundation – Helping Children Worldwide

2018 Balzan Prize for Humanity, Peace and Fraternity among Peoples

For the commitment of the Terre des hommes Foundation-Helping children worldwide to improving the daily lives of the most vulnerable human beings (children and their families), and for saving millions of needy children around the world; and in particular for the Foundation's project SIMSONE in the Ségou region of Mali, which will make it possible – through the provision of caregivers in the field – to save infants during childbirth and to care successfully for their mothers, a project that could be copied and implemented in other countries on a large scale.

Presentation of Terre des hommes – Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei

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Fondazione Internazionale Premio Balzan